Five things that would make Christians seem nicer

Posted: Sunday, September 27, 2009 | Posted by Mike |

Nathan of the St. Eutychus blog posted a piece today titled, "Five things that would make atheists seem nicer." As an atheist, I already do all five. Some of these items could use some examples for clarity.

Anyway, in the spirit of an "eye for an eye," I'd like to suggest five things that would make Christians seem nicer.

1. Stop taking the missionary position. Don't come to my door. Don't go abroad and convert vulnerable people to Christianity. Stop evangelizing.

2. Stop defending the bits of your bible that are obviously wrong. When you argue about the age of the Earth, evolution, and other stuff that science is far better at explaining, you destroy your credibility for the moral and spiritual teachings of Christianity. And isn't that the important stuff?

3. Stop asking for so much money. It seams like all Christian media is 100% focused using people's religiosity to separate Christians from their money. You already get the Mother of All Tax Breaks for some reason. You already have all those fancy churches. Enough already. Was Jesus really all about getting more money?

4. Stop being so un-American. The constitutional separation of church and state is the most unique and American of ideas. It's the thing that protects your sect from other sects that would use the power of government to advance their sectarian interests. Do what you want in your own home and church, but in the American political arena, there is no higher power than the U.S. Constitution. Accept it.

5. Stop being so un-Christian. Instead of your constant culture war with non-Christians, turn the other cheek. Instead of working so hard to gain political power for your own interests, instead render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Instead of judging others, instead let him who is without sin cast the first stone.


  1. Daniel R Dumaraos said...
  2. Christianity is about love. We give and evangelize to help others. The sovereign power of nations is a fleeting thing -- U.S. Contitutiuon is no exception. We never hated anyone be including those who mock and oppress us. We will pray for your guidance always.

  3. Alpha Lim said...
  4. No. 1 - heard of freedom of expression?

    No. 2 - valid points.

    No. 3 - hello, there are billions of Christians all over the world, most of whom have no "fancy churches" or any of the trappings common in the US. plenty of poor and dying who need money to survive.

    No. 4 - agree, all must respect others' right to believe what they believe. in addition, @Daniel has good point - Constitution is only centuries old. ancient faiths - including Christianity, thousands of years old. also, Constitution was written by Christians fleeing Christian oppression. not all Christians are the same.

    No. 5 - excellent mini-sermon. you sure you're an atheist? ;).

    thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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